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Join our movement for democratic renewal
in Europe

Nets4Dem is a diverse network of policymakers, researchers and practitioners engaging in a collective effort to advance, innovate and revive democracy in Europe.

We follow a unique Network of Networks approach, uniting already existing networks while elevating groups and regions that are traditionally underrepresented in these spaces.

The base of our network is our wider community. As part of the Collaborative, members can engage deeply within the network and its governance bodies, serving on the Steering Committee or leading one of our Working Groups.

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Participants of Nets4Dem meeting
Participants of Nets4Dem meeting

Network Governance

The Community connects the network to a multitude of smaller, local organisations and engaged individuals, representing the wider democratic landscape across Europe. Members of the Community receive privileged access to Nets4Dem’s collective wisdom, programs and best practices.
The Collaborative is formed by major European networks, organisations and key stakeholders with high levels of impact and reach. Together with the Consortium, they form the network’s governance bodies.
The Consortium consists of Nets4Dem’s Initiating Members. Funded by the EU, it operates the network and lays the foundations for its development and sustainability.
The Steering Committee and its Secretariat are responsible for the strategic development and daily management of Nets4Dem, ensuring the network’s long-term success. This Committee also facilitates interconnectivity across Working Groups and open decision-making processes that impact the entire community.
The Advisory Council is a permanent advisory body to the Steering Committee and Secretariat of Nets4Dem. The members of the Advisory Council are responsible for evaluating and elevating network issues and initiatives to be addressed by the Steering Committee. Chosen through sortition amongst members to ensure diversity and prevent undue influence, the Advisory Council plays a vital role in bringing the voices of members to the ears of the Steering Committee.
Working Groups are subnetworks that center around specific topics, goals, ideas, and/or research related to democracy, democratic innovation, deliberation and citizen education. Our working groups form the basis of getting involved with our network, either by joining one of the existing Working Groups or proposing a new one through a collective confirmation process.
Infographic of Nets4Dem network divided into Community, Collaborative and Consortium units, plus Steering Committee, Advisory Council, and Working Groups units


The Community connects the network to a multitude of smaller, local organisations and engaged individuals, representing the wider democratic landscape across Europe. Members of the Community receive privileged access to Nets4Dem’s collective wisdom, programs and best practices.


The Collaborative is formed by major European networks, organisations and key stakeholders with high levels of impact and reach. Together with the Consortium, they form the network’s governance bodies.


The Consortium consists of Nets4Dem’s Initiating Members. Funded by the EU, it operates the network and lays the foundations for its development and sustainability.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee and its Secretariat are responsible for the strategic development and daily management of Nets4Dem, ensuring the network’s long-term success. This Committee also facilitates interconnectivity across Working Groups and open decision-making processes that impact the entire community.

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council is a permanent advisory body to the Steering Committee and Secretariat of Nets4Dem. The members of the Advisory Council are responsible for evaluating and elevating network issues and initiatives to be addressed by the Steering Committee. Chosen through sortition amongst members to ensure diversity and prevent undue influence, the Advisory Council plays a vital role in bringing the voices of members to the ears of the Steering Committee.

Working Groups

Working Groups are subnetworks that center around specific topics, goals, ideas, and/or research related to democracy, democratic innovation, deliberation and citizen education. Our working groups form the basis of getting involved with our network, either by joining one of the existing Working Groups or proposing a new one through a collective confirmation process.

Why join Nets4Dem?


Nets4Dem empowers policymakers at all governance levels to spearhead democratic innovation. As a member, you will:

  • Access global best practices and collaborate with experts to craft participatory processes tailored to both local and national needs.
  • Join a progressive movement with access to the latest tools and frameworks for democratic engagement.
  • Engage in high-level policy dialogues focused on democratic innovation, citizen participation, and deliberative practices.

Civil Society

Connect with peers across European organisations and grassroot movements and beyond, to:

  • Exchange knowledge, tools, and best practices to bolster civic engagement and democratic resilience.
  • Boost visibility for your projects and collaborate on innovative solutions, moving beyond competition to strategic partnerships that pursue shared objectives and secure funding.
  • Work directly with policymakers, offering insights, receiving feedback, and enhancing accountability.
  • Implement successful models customized for your community.
  • Influence the future of decision-making and champion meaningful democratic reforms by lending your expertise to our pioneering movement.


Join Nets4Dem to connect your research with tangible impacts. You’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Work alongside practitioners to forge transdisciplinary research methodologies.
  • Analyse a broad spectrum of democratic experiments for your scientific work.
  • Convert scholarly insights into practical strategies through collaboration with policymakers and practitioners.
  • Drive evidence-based policies that rejuvenate democracy and optimize societal benefits.
  • Be part of a dynamic ecosystem aimed at redefining narratives, sparking change, and co-creating cross-disciplinary solutions.

Be part of Nets4Dem

Join our community of policymakers, researchers and practitioners working to revive and innovate democracy in Europe.

Join our network
Participants of Nets4Dem meeting


Democratic principles icon

Democratic principles

Nets4Dem holds up democratic principles of inclusive participation, transparency and accountability. Such principles include the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, free and fair elections, a pluralistic system of political parties and organizations, independence of the branches of government and the rule of law.
Human rights icon

Human rights

Nets4Dem adheres to internationally recognised human rights frameworks such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Geneva Refugee Convention. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic is strictly prohibited within the network.
Inclusive decision-making icon

Inclusive decision-making

We believe all people should have a voice in decisions that affect their lives. We promote innovative and meaningful civic engagement that empowers people to participate actively in democratic processes at all levels of governance. Inclusive, participatory decision-making reflecting diverse perspectives is central to our approach.
Collaboration icon


Open exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices fosters mutual learning and innovation. We facilitate collaboration across sectors, disciplines, levels of governance and geographies to generate multifaceted insights and solutions for democratic renewal. Silos are counterproductive to our mission.

Who we are

Logo of founding member CES


Centro de Estudios Sociais aims at democratising knowledge, reenergizing human rights and contributing to making science a public good. CES has specific and internationally recognized research skills in the domain of participatory tools of governance, especially participatory budgeting (PB) and community-based monitoring (CBM). CES provides training, counselling and evaluation in the domain of participatory processes to international institutions as the World Bank, UN-DESA, UN-Habitat, United Cities and the Council of Europe.
Logo of founding member Coglobal


Coglobal is a Spanish non-profit that provides innovative methodologies and tailored solutions for government-citizen collaboration in decision and policy-making. It is a social entity with over 10 years of experience operating at local, European, and global scales advocating for participatory democracy and sustainable development. Coglobal's main mission is assisting open government through the design of actions and strategies for participatory democracy, linking innovation with established good practices; and focusing its efforts towards the inclusion of underrepresented population groups (like youth and children) in participatory processes, adding new voices into the public sphere.
Logo of founding member Democracy Reporting International


Democracy Reporting International (DRI) is an independent non-profit organisation committed to defending and improving democracy worldwide. We analyse threats to democracy and advocate for solutions during key legislative and political processes. By bringing impartial analysis and policy recommendations to policymakers, we encourage them to act before emerging concerns become pressing problems.

Together with citizens and civil society groups committed to democratic renewal, we establish and improve democratic institutions that preserve people's freedoms. Our reference points are internationally agreed democratic principles.

DRI is co-leading the largest civil society programme on rule of law in the EU and delivers participatory democracy and civic education programmes in a number of EU Associated countries. Since 2023, DRI is also leading Nets4Dem as coordinator.

Logo of founding member Democratic Society


Democratic Society is a network of people working to create a democracy that works for the 21st century. We undertake practical projects, conduct research and build new democratic infrastructure that lets people involve themselves in the decisions that shape their lives.

Based in Brussels but with offices across Europe, we work to build a democracy where citizens' voices are heard from the street up to national and European governments.

Logo of founding member Demos Helsinki


Demos Helsinki is the leading independent think-tank in the Nordics. Committed to working together towards fair, sustainable and joyful societies, it collaborates with partners in several Horizon Europe and Strategic Research Council of Finland projects. It works at the intersection of the re-imagining the futures of democracy, democratic innovations and pressing societal transformations across multiple policy domains.
Logo of founding member Egmont


Egmont-The Belgian Royal Institute for International Relations, also known as the Egmont Institute, is an independent Brussels-based think tank dedicated to interdisciplinary research on international relations. The Institute is renowned for its hosting top-level multi-stakeholder events (conferences, colloquia, seminars), and specializes in building the capacity of diplomats and policy-makers both in Brussels and abroad. The Egmont Institute is a member of the TEPSA research network, and will serve as its Affiliated Entity in the Nets4Dem project.
Logo of founding member European Partnership for Democracy


The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) is a network of 20 organisations with a global remit to support democracy. In 2008, several organisations came together to create EPD as a partnership to reinforce European democracy support by building a community that advocates and acts for democratic values around the world. EPD works inside and outside Europe because we recognise that democracy is a universal aspiration and that the contemporary challenges and opportunities for democracy are global in scope. Our approach is rooted in the need to foster greater complementarity and dialogue between domestic, European and external stakeholders.
Logo of founding member Eurocities


Eurocities is the leading network of more than 200 major European cities, working together to improve the quality of urban life. We strive for a Europe where cities are genuine partners with the EU to create a better future. We put citizens at the heart of developments towards an inclusive, prosperous and healthy cities with future-fit local governments.
Logo of founding member Institut Za Filozofiju I Drustvenu Teoriju

Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE (IFDT)

IFDT is one of the main research institutions in social sciences in Serbia and recipient of numerous grants, including Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network scheme to advance innovative democratic practices in Western Balkans. IFDT is partner in two Horizons projects and is a member of the Open Society University Network, where it leads the Working Group on Participatory Democratic Innovations and Sortition. Finally, IFDT is a key partner of Council of Europe in Western Balkans for implementing Participatory Democracy Academy and Council of Europe School on Participatory Democracy Tools.
Logo of founding member Opensourcepolitics


Open Source Politics specialises in the deployment of open-source digital deliberation tools and the design of all-scale participatory processes. OSP aims to ensure that participatory practices take a prominent place, not only in the political world, but also within companies, associations and collective initiatives. OSP has worked with more than 150 organisations across Europe and in the world.
Logo of founding member People Powered


People Powered (PP) is a global hub for participatory democracy. We build the power and impact of organizations and leaders around the world who are building a more participatory democracy, through programs such as participatory budgeting, participatory policy-making, participatory planning, and citizen assemblies. Through this work, we help to address common challenges and shift power toward historically marginalized communities. Faced with a global crisis of democracy, we are growing a global movement to expand people’s democratic power, beyond elections. PP is incorporated as a nonprofit in the US, has 13 staff and over 100 members.
Logo of founding member TEPSA


TEPSA is the first trans-European research network in the field of EU affairs. The network was established in 1974 and is an international non-profit association under Belgian law. It consists of 47 leading research institutes in the field of European affairs based in 37 European countries, with a Secretariat in Brussels. TEPSA is also a recipient of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme Operating Grant, aimed at bringing the EU closer to its citizens. TEPSA also is recipient of EU Horizon Grants.